Thursday, August 20, 2009

LSTN Playlists from Urban Outfitters

I am in love with the free LSTN playlists! Akin to our Shared Pandora account, these playlists are doing their best to spread awareness of new artists from all genres. One of my favorite new songs (from LSTN playlist #6) is "Surprise Hotel" by Fool's Gold. I've always liked songs that are longer than four minutes. I also love the fact that you can't really understand what he's saying, and you just have to sit back and listen. I'll be posting more LSTN updates soon. So what are you waiting for? Urban Outfitters is giving away free music! LSTN #1, LSTN #2, LSTN #3, LSTN #4, and LSTN #6 are ready to download for free right now! (You can stream the LSTN #5 playlist – but the downloads have expired.) (**Note: LSTN's #1-4 will download as MP3's in zipped file folders. LSTN #6 can be downloaded through iTunes.)

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